Bonnie Brae Forest Manor Sanitary District
Board Members
Robert Casagrande, President (Click here to Email Robert)
Kim Hartley Chval, Treasurer (Click here to Email Kim)
Jill Juban, Clerk (Click here to Email Jill)
[Please contact your Board Members with any questions/concerns/comments.]
Consultant - Dave Oxley (Click here to Email Dave)
Secretary - Courtney Oxley-Turner
Legal Representation
Timothy C. Lapp (Click here to Email Tim)
Paul St. Aubyn (Click here to Email Paul)
Burns McDonnell
200 W. Adams St.
Chicago, IL 60606
(872) 804-9958
[Please contact our engineer with questions on any projects in your area.]
Please note example of Water/Sewer/Garbage bill that you should currently be receiving. You may opt in for garbage service as a BBFM resident and this billing goes through the City of Lockport [NOT Lockport Township] which is already offered at a discounted rate. If you are contacted to switch garbage service, please confirm that you are not already participating in garbage service through our Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Lockport. If you see a fee for "Garbage" on your bill, you are already paying for garbage service.
** Residential Balances Owed **
For information pertaining to balances owed for any property within Bonnie Brae Forest Manor Sanitary District, please contact the City of Lockport (815) 838-0456 [Water Dept]. Per the Intergovernmental Agreement entered into between BBFM & City of Lockport, the City of Lockport is responsible for all billing issues and/or balances owed.
Postal address
222 E. 9th St.
Lockport, IL. 60441